Who am I?
Merrin is an out of the box thinker, who likes a laugh and knows that adding a bit of humour to your digital footprint is like adding ice to your gin and tonic. Not essential but makes the whole experience oh so much better.
She prefers to take a holistic approach to digital marketing that allows her to help businesses in various industries streamline their online life.
Having grown up in Melbourne, she has trialled a whole lot of different lifestyle jobs in various cities and countries and finally decided to put down roots on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula.
Wanting to give back to the community, she is a member of her local Lions club and recently started volunteering with the local CFA.
Passionate about helping small businesses make a difference.
Is that YOU?
Not just your average marketer…
ALWAYS looking for ways to do something a little bit different
Very involved with local community groups.
Keen volunteer!
Loves problem solving
Solution oriented, rather than problem oriented
Bit of a tech geek..
Constantly looking for improvements
A few of my favourite things
Walking on sand
Bruce Willis
Pets who think they are people
Water with a squeezed lemon
Law and Order SVU
Looking after other people’s pets
Good strong coffee
Living near the beach
There are plenty of digital marketers out there.. Why choose me? Forming lasting relationships is key for me.
Think of business like dating. You don’t jump straight into a marriage before going out on a few dates. And the best thing about dating, you can decide who you like and who isn’t for you. So…
You go on a few coffee dates. You sniff around. You decide if looks matter or if it’s more about the personality. You decide whether to see this person again.
So you decide to do lunch. You pay a little money, you have a good time. And try some new dishes. You might even have a few laughs.
Then if you are in the mood, the dinner option pops up. More of a commitment and probably costs more. You dress up. You make it a special occasion. You get a little bolder and ask more questions to discover more about this person and whether you have a future together. And whether this might lead to…Whoa.. before you go any further you do realise that we are talking about business right? Not actual dating.
You need to know someone, then like them, before trusting them to help improve your business. And you know what, you have the right to say no. That you are not the right person for me. So I am moving on.
So have a few coffee dates to learn about the other person. Spend a little time and money. Don’t splash out your big bucks on the wedding (website) you might not need if you aren’t matched with the right person.
My philosophy?
- You need a solid, functional, fat finger friendly mobile and desktop website. Pretty helps. Sales help more.
- Then you need to let people know you have a website. Remember the line from the movie “The Field of Dreams” – “Build it and they will come”. Well forget that for your website. There are way too many people online now, and unless you tell them, they won’t be stopping by. They won’t even find you.
- So start talking about you, your products, and about WHY they need to buy from you, or use your services. Social media, video, advertising, marketing – any and all. 80% of your time should be spent on sales and marketing.
- Convert them into customers and then start your own “business of dating” relationship with them. Talk to them. Send them emails. Start a group on Facebook. Hell, even start your own movie channel on YouTube. And if you are feeling really brave, get that thing out of your side pocket and give them a call. Make them feel all warm and fuzzy. We all need that.